
Hello, Students! I am so excited that we will be able to have some "discussions" online using our very own class blog. Please make sure that you are responding to the prompts with thoughtful, text-supported comments. Always explain yourselves and USE PROPER GRAMMAR! I cannot wait to read everything that you write! ~Mrs. D

Friday, February 3, 2012


What do you think about the book so far?

Are there any parts of the story you would have written differently if you were the author of Wringer?  If yes, what would you change?  If no, why would you leave things the same?

Which character from your book do you relate to the most?  Why?

Additional thoughts…


  1. 1. i think the book is fun to read because its fun to learn what will happen next. it feel when
    I'm reading the book that I'm apart of the book .

    2. No i wouldn't change any part of the story because I think it is a great book to read the way it is. It makes me feeel good about reading this book. When I read this book I feel like I'm reading on top of the clouds , like I'm in the story. There is nothing iI would change about this book.

    3.The charater the most to is Palmer (Snots) because when i have problems like this i avoid them just like Palmer . When Palmer avoids his problems he covers them up by avoiding his friends, try to talk it out with someone , or he does something that huants him in the future.We so far have almost the same thing in common. That is who I am similer to the most.

    1. Tyea would you rather live at Palmer's house or at Beans's house?!?!?!?!?!

  2. I really like this book.I would read this book again........definitely.I think that this book should not be changed.It is very unique.JERRY SPINELLI EXCELLENT JOB!!!!!!!!! Wringer deserves that Newberry Honor Award.I would most likely relate to Palmer because he tends to be shy and hangs out with more than one friend at a time.He has three best friends just like me for example:Beans,Mutto and Henry. I have three friends I hang out with they are Dudley.M/LD,Jacob.Y and Christian.J

    Jerry Spinelli needs to make a sequal for Wringer because......................................... IT ROCKS!!!!!! :)(:

    1. I sooo agree!!! I think they should make a movie out of this!!

  3. 2.no not really because,every thing was very good like when dorothy was being terroized by beans she turned towards palmer and said why.I thought that that was touching to me and palmers character because he could'nt stop thinking about her.so isay nothing needs to be changed.

    1. Ben who would you rather be Palmer or Nipper? I would be Nipper just because he is AWESOME!!!!

  4. Replies
    1. I would also live there because even though Beans's house is clean I still wouldnt want him to pull a prank on me while im sleeping and like make a mess or somthing and blame it on me:).

    2. I would rather live in Beans house because I am not afraid of getting pranked or being blamed on. I have 2 little brothers,so!!! :p

    3. Attention all Wringer readers I have just decided that Wringer is my number one favorite book and greetings from 6th period tech ed!!!!!!
      HI MS MORRA!!

    4. yea i would have to live in beans house it sounds so cool to live there even though i hate cats !!!!!!!!

  5. I say that i relate to palmer alot i am not comfortable when my friends get to know all about me like how palmer does'nt want his gang to know about the bird nipper.

  6. kyle really needs to explain why.

  7. I like this book very much. I like it because it is very suspensful like when nipper was flying over head and mutto had a sling shot.

    No because it is very great the way it is because some times I want to read ahead like when he first got nipper

    I am the most like palmer because some times because I some times try to get out of problems if I do not want to deal with it so i make fake problem to get out of it.

    1. Brandon,
      Nice explanation.I think that you are a very good person to discuss our story with!

    2. I realy think the same thing about this Brandon. Nice job.

  8. i don't think i would change anything because its awsome and its interesting

  9. 1. I think this book is very suspensfull. Like when Palmer told Dorothy about the pigeon.
    2. No. I would not change anything about this story. I like every single thing that the auther did.
    3. I defanatly think I relate to Dorothy. Not afriad of mutch but when I am I don't show it.
    Best story ever!!!!

    1. kathrin i like when palmer told dorothy about the pigeon to

  10. 1. I think thebook isgood so far becauseI The book can be interesting and suspensful at the same time like when palmer told girl he had nipper i was suprized because i did not think he would tell anyone 2.No I would not change anything because i like the book the way it is. It is writen very well i know i could not think of everything the auther does because he could be leading you in one direction and change the whole thing. 3.I relate to palmer the most because he knows how to stop and not do what his frinds are doing and do the good thing becausew his friends are doing bad thing.

  11. Question number 1:
    I think this book is really good so far. Everytime i read it i get really into it! Sometime i want to read to the next chapter but i cant because we have to stop at certain pages:(.

    Question number 2:
    I would not have changed any parts of this book. I think it is fine the way it is. I if I would have changed any part of the story it would not be the story i like.

    Question number 3:
    I think i am more like palmer because i try to get out of doing things i make up excuses like if my friends asks me to go over her house and i dont want to go i say "my mom said i can't go" just like when beans wanted to go over palmers house but palmer didnt rly want him to go over his house so he said lets go to yours.

    1. great smilie faces and explanations AAWWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Q1: what i think of the book.... I think it is veary intresting. I love the relationship between Palmer and Dorthey and Palmer and the boys (Beans, Mutto, Henrey). Some other things I like would be the humor in the book. I like the bird also along with humor Nipper also has an emotinal attachment to Palmer. I also like the way Palmer lives his life, he is veary adult for only beeing 9 going on 10.

    Q2: what would I change...... I would not change any thing in the book so far, I think its funny and is veary well written. I think it speaks to you in a way to make u change your feelings about somethings.

    Q3: who do I relate to the most..... I think i relate mostly to Nipper. I belive this because Nipper has a fun persanality and Nipper also a good sence of humor.

    1. I relate to palmer the most who is your favorite characterr?

    2. My favorite charactor is Dorothy. She is alot like me.

    3. what kind of relationship do they have i thought they were friends!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. - I think the book is interesting to read and it fantactic!!!!!!!!!
    - I wouldn't change anything about the book at all because it an
    awsome book:)
    - The character that relates to me is, plamer because he trys to
    avoid his promblem with his friends.
    - When i read the book i want to learn what happens next in the

    1. I think the same Tesia! Nice job!

  14. Does anyone Know if Palmer and Dorthey are an item I am veary confused!!!!!!

  15. 1. I love the story becase the kill pigeons and when they bomb dorthey with volleys.

    2. No because it is cool too read.

    3. I would relate to wringer because i like pigeons.

  16. 1.what I think about the book is it's a good book because it is funny because it has the mean kids piking on dorthy and calling her a fish face.2.I would leave it the same because it proble would not be this good if I changed it.3.I think I would be more like palmer because I would not want to be a wringer.


    1. beans because he has a nice house and a mean cat

  18. 1 The book so far is good because it has a lot interesting parts like when it says " without warning Beans snatched the contents of the box and boppeed Mutto on the head. A muskrat." So I thought that that part was a pretty funny part and there are other things they say that are very sad like when the guys threw the snowball at Dorthey i thought that was a sad part. 2 No because all of this book put together was pretty interesting and if i were to change somethng it wouldn't be the same and it wouldn't be as interested because say i changed the cat named panther to cutsie pie then it wouldn't be as nerve racking as the others. I relate to Dorthy the most because she is not afraid about what people do or think of her so that means she isn't afraid to do things she wants to so I relate to her the most. I hope you liked my explainations see ya dog!!!!!

  19. 1.What I think about this book so far is it is pretty good because it talks about Palmers life and how he's scared to be a wriger when he is ten

    2.No I wouldn't change the text if I was the author because the book is already good and awesome the way it is and I like it like that.

    3.I would relate to panther the cat that brings dead animals to the door for bean's because I like to hunt animals like rabbit's

  20. -the story is fantastic! the story is very unexpectable because you dont know whats coming to you,thats why I like the story.
    -the only thing I would change at this point of the story is that
    Beans crys when he gets punched 10 times I mean really he would cry.
    -I would be most like palmer because he always worrys about what will happen when the day comes.
    PS.Beans really needs to brush his teeth(Nasty Goof).

    1. Shane,I did not know you were reading this book. I like it too!!! I have a question would you rather live at Beans's house or at Palmer's?????

  21. what do u think will happen in the end willhe start dating dorthey or not

    1. Mackenzie. I do not think he will date Dorothy until he is older like 12 or 13 years old.

  22. 1. I think this book is great and very suspenseful!!I think that they should make a sequel to this because I really want to know what would happen next.
    2. No. I would not change anything because this story is great the way it is.
    3. I think most relate to Dorothy because Dorothy is a lot like me because I am not afraid to show people who I really am and stand up for what I believe in.
